金融課本再複習 書單 貨幣銀行學(第七版) /黃達業 /台灣培生教育 2004第一篇 導論第1章 為何研究貨幣、銀行與金融市場第2章 金融體系概念第3章 貨幣是什麼?第二篇 金融市場第4章 利率概述第5章 利率的行為第6章 利率風險與期間結構第7章 股票市場、理性預期理論與效率市場假說第三篇 金融機構第8章 金融結構的經濟分析第9章 銀行廠商金融機構管理第10章 銀行業:結構與競爭第11章 銀行監理的經濟分析第12章 非銀行金融第13章 金融衍生性商品第四篇 中央銀行與貨幣政策之執行第14章 中央銀行結構與聯邦準備制度第15章 存款的倍數創造與貨幣供給過程第16章 貨幣供給的決定因素第17章 貨幣政策工具第18章 貨幣政策的目標與執行第五篇 國際金融和貨幣政策第19章 外匯市場第20章 國際金融體系第21章 貨幣政策策略:國際經驗第六篇 貨幣理論第22章 貨幣需求理論第23章 凱因斯架構與ISLM模型第24章 ISLM模型中的貨幣與財政政策第25章 總合需求與供給分析第26章 貨幣政策的傳遞機能第27章 貨幣和通貨膨脹新版章節更動貨幣銀行學(八版)/黃達業/華泰文化2008.01.02本版新增內容:1.對全球經濟體系日漸重要的中國現況,包括:中國銀行體系、中國外匯存底、金融發展對經濟的重要性。2.歐洲中央銀行貨幣政策。3.行為財務領域的誕生,及其運用人類學、社會學、哲學等其他社會科學理論來了解證券價格的行為。貨幣銀行學 /黃達業/華泰文化2011.04.14改版新增內容 一、新增第9章「金融危機與次貸風暴」。 二、新增歐洲央行角色與架構,以及開發中國家與新興市場的央行內容。 三、先討論整體金融業再個別探討銀行業結構,以反映真實金融現況。 四、加強探討中國的現況。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach /Anthony Saunders, Marcia Cornett / Mcgraw.hill 2008 (6/e) PART ONE: Introduction 1 Why Are Financial Intermediaries Special? 2 The Financial Services Industry: Depository Institutions 3 The Financial Services Industry: Insurance Companies 4 The Financial Services Industry: Securities Firms and Investment Banks 5 The Financial Services Industry: Mutual Funds and Hedge Funds 6 The Financial Services Industry: Finance Companies 7 Risks of Financial Intermediation PART TWO: Measuring Risk 8 Interest Rate Risk I 9 Interest Rate Risk II 10 Market Risk 11 Credit Risk: Individual Loan Risk 12 Credit Risk: Loan Portfolio and Concentration Risk 13 Off-Balance-Sheet Risk 14 Foreign Exchange Risk 15 Sovereign Risk 16 Technology and Other Operational Risks 17 Liquidity Risk PART THREE: Managing Risk 18 Liability and Liquidity Management 19 Deposit Insurance and Other Liability Guarantees 20 Capital Adequacy 21 Product Diversification 22 Geographic Expansion 23 Futures and Forwards 24 Options, Caps, Floors, and Collars 25 Swaps 26 Loan Sales 27 Securitization http://www.mcgraw-hill.co.uk/html/0071267042.html新版章節更動Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach /Anthony Saunders, Marcia Cornett / Mcgraw.hill 2011 (7/e) Part I IntroductionCh. 1 Why Are Financial Institutions Special?Appendix 1A The Financial Crisis: The Failure of FinancialServices SpecialnessAppendix 1B Monetary Policy Tools (online)Ch. 2 Financial Services: Depository InstitutionsAppendix 2A Financial Statement Analysis Using a Return on Equity (ROE) Framwork (online)Appendix 2B Commercial Bank' Financial Statements and Analysis (online)Appendix 2C Depository Institutions and Their Regulators (online)Appendix 2D Technology in Commercial Banking (online)Ch. 3 Financial Services: InsuranceCh. 4 Financial Services: Securities Brokerage and Investment BankingCh. 5 Financial Services: Mutual Funds and Hedge FundsCh. 6 Financial Services: Finance Companiesv Ch. 7 Risks of Financial InstitutionsPart II Measuring RiskCh. 8 Interest Rate Risk IAppendix 8A The Maturity Model (online)Appendix 8B Term Structure of Interest RatesCh. 9 Interest Rate Risk IIAppendix 9A The Basics of Bond Valuation (online)Appendix 9B Incorporating Convexity into the Duration ModelCh. 10 Market RiskCh. 11 Credit Risk: Individual Loan RiskAppendix 11A Credit Analysis (online)Appendix 11B Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model (online)Ch. 12 Credit Risk: Loan Portfolio and Concentration RiskAppendix 12A CreditMetricsAppendix 12B CreditRisk+Ch. 13 Off-Balance-Sheet RiskAppendix 13A A Letter of Credit Transaction (online)Ch. 14 Foreign Exchange RiskCh. 15 Sovereign RiskAppendix 15A Mechanisms for Dealing with Sovereign Risk ExposureCh. 16 Technology and Other Operational Risks Ch. 17 Liquidity Risk Appendix 17A Sources and Uses of Funds Statement, Bank of America, December 2005 (online)Part III Managing RiskCh. 18 Liability and Liquidity ManagementAppendix 18A Federal Reserve Requirement AccountingAppendix 18B Bankers Acceptances and Commercial Paper as Sources of FinancingCh. 19 Deposit Insurance and Other Liability GuaranteesAppendix 19A Calculation of Deposit Insurance PremiumsAppendix 19B FDIC Press Releases of Bank FailuresAppendix 19C Deposit Insurance Coverage for Commercial Banks in Various CountriesCh. 20 Capital AdequacyAppendix 20A Internal Ratings-Based Approach to Measuring Credit Risk-Adjusted AssetsCh. 21 Product and Geographic ExpansionAppendix 21A EU and G-10 Countries: Regulatory Treatment of the Mixing of Banking, Securities, and Insurance Activities and the Mixing of Banking and Commerce (online)Ch. 22 Futures and ForwardsAppendix 22A Microhedging with Futures (online)Ch. 23 Options, Caps, Floors, and CollarsAppendix 23A Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model (online)Appendix 23B Microhedging with Options (online)Ch. 24 SwapsAppendix 24A Setting Rates on an Interest Rate SwapCh. 25 Loan SalesCh. 26 SecuritizationAppendix 26A Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Balance Sheets (online)http://www.mcgraw-hill.co.uk/html/0071289550.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
- Jul 27 Fri 2012 07:56
金融課本再複習 書單